THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to you, Cindy, Curtis and Scott for ALL your hard work packing, sweating, and I'm sure swearing too. Our front room is now the "room-of-doom". I spend a little bit of time everyday going through boxes here and there.
Yeah I noticed you felt that my life would not be complete without framed pictures from Camp Cherith 1980 and 1981 or framed awards from West Covina Christian for "Perfect Dress and Participation". Michael wanted to know exactly what that was for. Apparently I participated in showing up to school everyday dressed. I think Mom should have gotten the award, not me!!
The garment bags worked great. Hope that was easier for you too. Michael doesn't see a need for an oversized sombreo that says Mexico on it. I do. I think I will look very cute gardening with it. Safety first, don't want to get a sunburn!
There are many more kicks and giggles that are waiting for me. Since I have primarily the use of my right hand, it will take me a while to go through it all. But hey its called home therapy! Thanks again!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Monday, May 28, 2007
Memorial Day Weekend
Friday, May 25, 2007
Coming Atcha, Michael!
Had a major spring cleaning jaunt today at mom's house with Curtis - we spent the day packing up Karen's things to David's trailer and essentially transferring the "room of doom" from CA to WA. Mom now has a bedroom and 1/2 back, and can breathe a little more in the dining room. Curtis and Scott Gibson are driving up to Seattle this weekend to deliver Karen's things before gas jumps to $5/gallon. (Who knows, it might just do that before tomorrow!)
Below is a semi-chronological pictoral essay of the day.
Michael - tap, tap, no returns!!
Man, where do you start?

Before starting on Karen's room:

Got a little bit in the trailer:

J u u u u u u s s s s t made it all fit:

But wait, there's more!

Wow, haven't seen this much carpet since who knows when!

The cats won't recognize the place:
Below is a semi-chronological pictoral essay of the day.
Michael - tap, tap, no returns!!
Man, where do you start?
Before starting on Karen's room:
Got a little bit in the trailer:
J u u u u u u s s s s t made it all fit:
But wait, there's more!
Wow, haven't seen this much carpet since who knows when!
The cats won't recognize the place:
Thursday, May 24, 2007
The Day of the Doctors
Man, the one day out of the week that I have like, 5 meetings back-to-back at work, and I get a call from school that Jacob and Matt are in the nurse's office. Matt's left eye has been kinda red the last couple days, but like a good veteran mom, I pretend not to notice and only nonchalantly in passing, ask if it hurts. Of course, it doesn't. Jacob tells me on the way out the door this morning that his ear kinda hurts, and did yesterday, too. Since he is a couple years older, he knows my M.O. I told him if it still hurt after school, I would take him to the doctor. Just uttering those words automatically sets the wheels in motion, and my getting THE CALL from the school nurse at 9:30am.
Of course, they are totally stoked about being out of school so early in the day, and they feel totally FINE. Fine enough that they have to blast the surround sound on the speakers so they can hear the movie over my meetings I am now calling in for. "Yeah, I'm home with two kids, don't mind them, they're sick..." Yeah, right. Fortunately, the pediatrician is out of the office for the day, so they call in prescriptions to the pharmacy. I guess there is some kinda frequent appointment perk after 50 visits.
RJ had a doctor appt. scheduled this afternoon with the cardiologist, his monthly checkup. I don't go, as I know they probably don't appreciate a case of pink-eye going around the waiting room. Since the doctor knows that I am the pharmicist of the house, I get a phone call from him asking me what exact medications he is on. Unbeknownst to me, my husband has dutifully put his pills AWAY in some secret man-hiding place, so I sound like an idiot - "ummm....he's on aspirin....and some heart rhythm pill...ummm, it's orange"... while I am trying to quietly run around the house and open drawers here and there looking for them, not successful at all.
When he gets home, I announce that he owes me Sizzler for this one. Kevin has ridden his bike to a friends house, you know mom, "over there". I tell him to be home in 15 minutes, it's now been 35. So we all hop in the car to go for dinner - wait, where's Kevin? - and go cruising around the neighborhood looking for his bike propped up some walkway somewhere. We drive around for a solid 25 minutes MORE before giving up and parking back in the driveway. He immediately rounds the's been more than 15 minutes? I think Boy Scout time is rubbing off on him. (Side note: He said he had fun in Ensenada this last weekend at the International Camporee. All he told me is that they drug two tables down a hill, and pitched their tents at 1:00am cause they were lost. The tents? Or you guys? Which one!?! After getting that hormonal "mom, you're sooo stupid" sigh and eye-roll, I stopped prodding after that.)
Get home, time to go to the pharmacy. I send RJ out with a list, cause I don't want him to come home without one of them. Aspirin, Lisinopril (the orange ones), my thyroid pills, ear drops and antibiotics for Jacob, and eye drops for Matt. I wrestle Matt on the floor to get these drops in his eye, and while I take him to the bathroom to wash his filthy hands and make sure he doesn't scrub his eyes, I tell Jacob to shake up his antibiotics and I will be right back. Not two minutes later, he comes in to tell me that he spilled it, just a little, while shaking it. I go back in and look, and it's got maybe 3/4 of the bottle GONE - all over the floor. Pharmacy is now closed, and we get to call them in the morning and HOPE we can get a refill on what's left! I hope I don't have to cash in too many more of my frequent visitor points fot this.
Wine cooler is now drained, I'm signing off so I can go to bed. Tomorrow I have scribe duty at the oncologist's.
Of course, they are totally stoked about being out of school so early in the day, and they feel totally FINE. Fine enough that they have to blast the surround sound on the speakers so they can hear the movie over my meetings I am now calling in for. "Yeah, I'm home with two kids, don't mind them, they're sick..." Yeah, right. Fortunately, the pediatrician is out of the office for the day, so they call in prescriptions to the pharmacy. I guess there is some kinda frequent appointment perk after 50 visits.
RJ had a doctor appt. scheduled this afternoon with the cardiologist, his monthly checkup. I don't go, as I know they probably don't appreciate a case of pink-eye going around the waiting room. Since the doctor knows that I am the pharmicist of the house, I get a phone call from him asking me what exact medications he is on. Unbeknownst to me, my husband has dutifully put his pills AWAY in some secret man-hiding place, so I sound like an idiot - "ummm....he's on aspirin....and some heart rhythm pill...ummm, it's orange"... while I am trying to quietly run around the house and open drawers here and there looking for them, not successful at all.
When he gets home, I announce that he owes me Sizzler for this one. Kevin has ridden his bike to a friends house, you know mom, "over there". I tell him to be home in 15 minutes, it's now been 35. So we all hop in the car to go for dinner - wait, where's Kevin? - and go cruising around the neighborhood looking for his bike propped up some walkway somewhere. We drive around for a solid 25 minutes MORE before giving up and parking back in the driveway. He immediately rounds the's been more than 15 minutes? I think Boy Scout time is rubbing off on him. (Side note: He said he had fun in Ensenada this last weekend at the International Camporee. All he told me is that they drug two tables down a hill, and pitched their tents at 1:00am cause they were lost. The tents? Or you guys? Which one!?! After getting that hormonal "mom, you're sooo stupid" sigh and eye-roll, I stopped prodding after that.)
Get home, time to go to the pharmacy. I send RJ out with a list, cause I don't want him to come home without one of them. Aspirin, Lisinopril (the orange ones), my thyroid pills, ear drops and antibiotics for Jacob, and eye drops for Matt. I wrestle Matt on the floor to get these drops in his eye, and while I take him to the bathroom to wash his filthy hands and make sure he doesn't scrub his eyes, I tell Jacob to shake up his antibiotics and I will be right back. Not two minutes later, he comes in to tell me that he spilled it, just a little, while shaking it. I go back in and look, and it's got maybe 3/4 of the bottle GONE - all over the floor. Pharmacy is now closed, and we get to call them in the morning and HOPE we can get a refill on what's left! I hope I don't have to cash in too many more of my frequent visitor points fot this.
Wine cooler is now drained, I'm signing off so I can go to bed. Tomorrow I have scribe duty at the oncologist's.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Another Mother's Day...
Has flown by, and boy, are my arms tired. Sammy and I picked up mom yesterday for a dinner of artichokes (big mamas, too!), tri-tip, and cheesecake. Me so fat.
This last week has been rather uneventful, with the exception of taking mom to the oncologist to figure out what her treatment schedule will be, a.k.a. how our lives will change this next year. She starts with a chemo and herceptin treatment this next Friday. The previous heart scan tests came back normal, but the medication she will be taking can also affect her diabetes, so will have to monitor that all the more.
Karen is back to the races planning the wedding, since it's what, 7 weeks away?? I just got my invitation today. Since my name is on the RSVP cards, I'll be getting lots of little cards in the mail the next few weeks. Woo-hoo - mail that doesn't come in the form of a bill!!
Kevin is going to Mexico this weekend for the International Scout Camporee. I'm trying not to think about the fact that he is going to be soooo far from home, in another country... eek! Denial is not just a river in Egypt.
Jacob & Matt are cruising along in Cub Scouts as well, I need to sign them up for summer camp. Now that I think about it, I need to get everyone's summer plans kinda firmed up. Sammy's will include a plan A and plan B - depending on final grades. Summer school may be in his plans, either to make up a class from this year, or to jump ahead on things. A job may be in the works, too, we'll have to see. We will definately do swim lessons, one of which will be lifeguard for Sammy and/or Kevin, along with the usual stuff for the other two. I think the Tiger Woods Center has stuff going on in the summer, so need to research that a little more, too.
Was reading back to blog posts in March, and realized that I never posted any pics from our trip to Disneyland. We went with Larry & Barbara and the kids the day before RJ's surgery. So enjoy a few!
Jacob & Matt clown around in Toontown:
And mug for the camera on the Colombia:

This last week has been rather uneventful, with the exception of taking mom to the oncologist to figure out what her treatment schedule will be, a.k.a. how our lives will change this next year. She starts with a chemo and herceptin treatment this next Friday. The previous heart scan tests came back normal, but the medication she will be taking can also affect her diabetes, so will have to monitor that all the more.
Karen is back to the races planning the wedding, since it's what, 7 weeks away?? I just got my invitation today. Since my name is on the RSVP cards, I'll be getting lots of little cards in the mail the next few weeks. Woo-hoo - mail that doesn't come in the form of a bill!!
Kevin is going to Mexico this weekend for the International Scout Camporee. I'm trying not to think about the fact that he is going to be soooo far from home, in another country... eek! Denial is not just a river in Egypt.
Jacob & Matt are cruising along in Cub Scouts as well, I need to sign them up for summer camp. Now that I think about it, I need to get everyone's summer plans kinda firmed up. Sammy's will include a plan A and plan B - depending on final grades. Summer school may be in his plans, either to make up a class from this year, or to jump ahead on things. A job may be in the works, too, we'll have to see. We will definately do swim lessons, one of which will be lifeguard for Sammy and/or Kevin, along with the usual stuff for the other two. I think the Tiger Woods Center has stuff going on in the summer, so need to research that a little more, too.
Was reading back to blog posts in March, and realized that I never posted any pics from our trip to Disneyland. We went with Larry & Barbara and the kids the day before RJ's surgery. So enjoy a few!
Jacob & Matt clown around in Toontown:
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Big 16
Sam turned the big 1-6 this weekend, which meant we had our annual "boys come over, eat lots of junk, play lots of Playstation, and stay up all night" jaunt. We started out the day by opening one present (a new cell phone), working a band event until noon, then hitting the movie theater in the afternoon to see Spiderman-3. Very good movie, I won't spoil the ending for you by saying who dies.
Four friends came over, which effectively doubled the hormone level in the house, and we spent the evening playing basketball, eating lots of pizza bagels, pizza rolls, and taquitos, and then having some pineapple upside-down cake before opening more presents. Two kids ended up spending the night, so the Playstation, PS2, Gameboy-fest was on. One of his friends declared that "you haven't lived until you have stayed up all night".. - Sam remembered the 23 hour stint we pulled for tournament, so wasn't buying it. He and Kevin conked out at 12:30, and when I got up at 3am, there were two kids still battling it out on some video game. They crashed on the hardwood floor at 4:30 and woke up at 7:30 when everyone else was climbing over them in the living room. Wonder if they still felt like they had "lived".
No license is in the works just yet, so for the time being we all are still safe on the roads...
RJ is doing well, he is off all the medications except for one for arrythmia and aspirin. Two a day from now on - yea!! His cardiologist agreed with keeping him out of work longer due to his job duties, so he is targeting returning to work around the 3rd week of June. We went back to church this morning for the first time in five weeks, it was a nice return to some more routine.

Four friends came over, which effectively doubled the hormone level in the house, and we spent the evening playing basketball, eating lots of pizza bagels, pizza rolls, and taquitos, and then having some pineapple upside-down cake before opening more presents. Two kids ended up spending the night, so the Playstation, PS2, Gameboy-fest was on. One of his friends declared that "you haven't lived until you have stayed up all night".. - Sam remembered the 23 hour stint we pulled for tournament, so wasn't buying it. He and Kevin conked out at 12:30, and when I got up at 3am, there were two kids still battling it out on some video game. They crashed on the hardwood floor at 4:30 and woke up at 7:30 when everyone else was climbing over them in the living room. Wonder if they still felt like they had "lived".
No license is in the works just yet, so for the time being we all are still safe on the roads...
RJ is doing well, he is off all the medications except for one for arrythmia and aspirin. Two a day from now on - yea!! His cardiologist agreed with keeping him out of work longer due to his job duties, so he is targeting returning to work around the 3rd week of June. We went back to church this morning for the first time in five weeks, it was a nice return to some more routine.
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