"Next week there can't be any crisis. My schedule is already full." - Henry Kissinger
Matthew's cub scout troop came over last week to the house and we decorated cookies for Halloween. It's not any one of the activities for a badge or a trail, or whatever they call them in Wolves, but we did it just for fun. There were six kids and four adults all crowded around the table getting frosting and sprinkles everywhere.
Matthew also has Flat Stanley's cousin Flat Matt visiting Karen in WA. He helped Michael with the backhoe and planting two Christmas trees for Grandma Elta and Grandpa John. He has been sending emails to Matt on his adventures, which Matt loves to read.
Jacob got some new pets - Bob, Steve, and Spikey the goldfish - who swim around two of the shells from mom's bathroom. Snoopy is shown here welcoming them to the house. She sleeps with them every night, making sure they aren't lonely.