Matthew got his Wolf badge, along with a few other arrow points, belt loops and such. We have a great group of kids and parents, it was fun to be the den leader for the year.
Here Matthew gets his scarf and book for the next rank, Bear. He was mad at me all afternoon since he wanted to stay in the water and swim, and I was making him get out. I finally compromised by telling him he could get back in after we were all done if the sun was still up.
It was. Barely.
Sunday we went to a retirement party for Ms. Sylvia. She was Sammys teacher 13 years ago, and we had kids in that preschool for the next 10 years. We have actually kept in touch since then as we live in the same housing tract, but it was good to see other old faces again and to officially say "thank you".
I had a softball game tonight...first one in a couple of years, but fun, mostly because we were playing a lower level team.
A friend was telling me about the senior league she joined. She's all of 38. She said the rules are a lot more relaxed, especially with base running. If you get to a certain point on the base path, it is assumed you are safe at the next base as they don't want anyone sliding and getting hurt.
I gotta join me one of those leagues.