School is back in full swing, and we have settled back into a normal school year routine. Well, if you call only having three kids to wake up in the morning (yea!), three kids at the dinner table (yea!), infinitely less band committments (yea!), and one kid smack in the path of a Category 3 hurricane "normal" (huh?!?). Lots of paperwork, money needed for lunches, school pictures, and school supplies. Many, many emails from TX, not one from my kid.
Yes, MMA is smack in the middle of the path of Hurricane Ike. Yes, I am aware of that. Yes, they are allowing parents to evacuate their sons if desired.
We are leaving him there.
I know, we must be crazy. After a lot of slow, deep breathing, and lots of thought, we are keeping him there. The thought of bringing him home after only being there 11 days, along with a pile of homework and schoolwork, and then getting him back on a plane just didn't appeal to me. It would be totally harder than getting him on the plane the first time, since now he has a taste of things. On the one hand, I feel totally guilty. On the other, I have full confidence that they know what they are doing and he will be safe, evacuated or not. Now to hold my breath until Sunday.