Instead of letting the kids devote all 36 hours of the weekend to Playstation and computer games, and since it was 85+ degrees out, Stephanie and I met up and took everyone for a walk. We let the kids climb in trees, throw rocks, and chase squirrels.

We followed this creek for about 3/4 mile before turning around to go back and eat lunch.
The other side of that bridge is the MainPlace Mall and then the 5 Fwy. I guess if we kept on going, we could have walked to the beach. That's the next excursion planned - bike riding to the beach...or maybe drive to the beach with bikes and ride around down there.

Last night the Cub Scouts held a "Drive-In Movie" nite. The boys were all given cardboard boxes to make their cars. They could add items on, but they had to be cardboard. Matt made a pickup truck, flames and all. The boys snuggled down with their snacks and sat in their cars to watch the movie.