Been doing lots of things with both groups of Scouts lately, now with better weather around, we have been hitting the great outdoors.
The little guys all got together and learned about woodworking tools - hammers, nails, screws; differences in pine and oak (yeah, like you can't easily put a screw in oak); and using a saw and sandpaper. Somehow they put them all together to make their own little project - and they were all in hog heaven.

Last weekend they had a campout, and I got roped in by two other moms to come help for the weekend. We got up at o'dark hundred and cooked breakfast for the boys...right after we washed their cooking pots and pans they had... we didn't want to start off with leftovers from last month's campout. We cooked and cleaned up from lunch, and then stuck around while they cooked their "feast" one more time. It's gotten a little faster, and some things tasted a little better (but some not as good!). After dinner, we left for the comfort of our own beds for the night and let them clean up. Next morning we came back for a second breakfast - again cleaning up the leftover yuckies (and there were some doozy yuckies!!) before cooking. My hands were significantly prun-y by the end of the weekend, but I had fun hanging out with Kevin.

Tonight was the Pack's Blue & Gold, which happened to be the 50th anniversary. Lots of planning and work went into the dinner and evening's program, and we are soo glad it's over! We had a 50's theme, complete with music, decor, and photos from throughout the years. Dinner was hamburgers and hot dogs served on red checked plates with root beer floats for dessert. The picture below was taken right before the program started, and one of the moms went out and had copies printed up and framed to be given to the leaders later that night as a thank you. Wow - this digital picture thing is cool!