Every once in awhile, when we're not working on rank requirements that have to do with compasses, crossing rivers, CPR, knowing the native plants of California, or knowing what a bowline knot is for (and then tying it), the Boy Scouts go and do something FUN.

Saturday Kevin and I got up at the crack of o-dark-hundred and went to Angels Stadium with his troop. We were there with quite a few other Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops of various ages, along with all the other parents that had driving duty.

We were there cheering on the runners for the Disneyland Half Marathon, and the nine-mile mark was them running through Angel Stadium. There were all sorts of athletes, from the professionals we saw at 7:30am; to the wheelchair runners; the large amounts of folks sporting any and all manner of Disney-related costumes - Tinkerbell, Peter Pan, Cinderella, Snow White, and Minnie Mouse (both girls AND guys wore this!!); the folks walking the route and stopping to take pictures and video of it all; down to the last straggling walker at 10am. We cheered especially hard for her. Elvis even made an appearance.

It was most fun when we went down to the wall and gave high fives to the runners - they were very appreciative. And sweaty.

BTW, Kevin just made his First Class rank, and knew how to do all those fun things (and more) listed above. And now, so do I.
The rest of the weekend included a pool party in Temecula; dodging drunk drivers on the road; and a beach day. . .