After being gone for a week at BSA camp, the time came to go pick up Kevin. One of the cars scheduled to go was in the shop, so I was next batter up.
The boys went to Lost Valley this year, out about 40-miles east of Temecula in northern San Diego county. The first 30 miles was paved, the last 10 miles was a dirt road that required an amount of caution. I would have loved to fly through there with a 4wd truck though! It was very green and scenic with all the recent rains.

Finally made it there after almost 3hours of driving. The boys looked like great, dirty, stinky, happy, lumberjacks. The ones who needed a shave chose not to do so for the week.
We made the boys pose for a group shot before we would allow them in our cars. In the background is one of the tents they slept in. Every one had a great time but were happy to come home to the land of video games and facebook.