Friday, June 22, 2007

Two Down, Two to Go

Kevin was "promoted" from the sixth grade this week - two done with elementary school, two to go. In September we will be back to dealing with the paperwork, teachers, and back to school nights for three different schools again - elementary, jr. high, and high school.

(On a separate note, we got notice in the mail that Sammy passed his CAHSEE the first time he took it. Now he just has to get the GPA and the credits to actually graduate.)

While we were sitting waiting for the ceremony to begin, we figured out that in 2009 we will have three graduations to attend - Sammy from 12th; Kevin from 8th; and Jacob from 6th grade. If they are all on the same schedules, I will be in the market for a mommy clone that June.

Some pictures:

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