Saturday, November 29, 2008

Oh Yeah...

I forgot!! The boy is back in town... only grew a foot since August. He can practically hang the Christmas lights without a ladder.

(What doesn't show in this picture is that I am on the sidewalk, and he is standing on grass that is an inch lower. Gotta do what I can now that I am "shorty".)

Friday, November 28, 2008

Lots to be Thankful For...

Another Tournament has come and gone, this the most successful one yet. This happens to be one of the two times that I happened to sit down in 18+ hours, and someone takes a picture.

Popped on a pedometer for the day as an experiment, and I walked 16,082 steps - give or take. Someone figured that was like me walking to Disneyland from my house. Yeah, like I am ever going to walk to work!!

Curtis and Alanna came over for Thanksgiving Day. We drug out the ping-pong table and everyone played games of mixed doubles throughout the afternoon while dinner was cooking.

Kevin and Matt are here trying out a new-fangled paddle holding technique. Didn't work for very long before they switched back. Something about the ball hitting their fingers or something.

After having dinner and imbibing sufficient "ping-pong juice" (one hand for the paddle, one for the wine glass), I got to join in.

When it got dark we went inside for the traditional viewing of Christmas Vacation. ("Clark, I don't want to spend the holidays DEAD...")

Saturday, November 15, 2008

There's Nothing Left to Burn in Malibu..

Came home yesterday and watched million dollar homes go up in Montecito. Went to bed last night watching Sylmar go up in smoke. Woke up this morning to see smoke coming from the east and steadily choking us throughout the day. Two fires in OC - one in Corona / Yorba Linda / Anaheim Hills, and the other in Brea.

So I went to the grocery store this afternoon, and took my camera along.

Drove up to Bastanchury and St. College (along with oodles of my closest friends) to see what I could see. Oh, and to also breathe some fresh air. Since I couldn't get out of the car, I did what is in my genes - took pictures through the windshield.

These shots are looking north to Brea - there are spot fires on both sides of the 57 freeway, which is closed at the moment from Lambert to the 60 fwy, and heading west toward La Habra Hts. Surreal to watch the tanker planes dropping water.

This is looking east toward Yorba Linda/Anaheim Hills/Corona. The fire started on the north side of the 91 frwy in Corona, and within an hour had spread through the canyon over to Yorba Linda. Jumped the freeway at the 241, and now there are 3100 homes evacuated in that area.

Running count of friends and co-workers threatened by these fires: at least 12, and sure to rise. I guess living in the lowlands has its benefits, but fresh air isn't one of them today.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween Week

The week started out with the Cub Scouts holding their annual cake bake (rules: no mom involvement allowed). Don't let the "two" confuse you, Matt got first place for "thinnest" cake.
After the awarding of prizes, we all got to eat the cakes, whichever ones we dared.
Last night was Halloween; Jacob went as a black widow spider, complete with day-glo markings. Matt was a mummy. No matter how hard I wrapped, they still all fell off within 15 minutes. Oh well, isn't that what mummies are supposed to do when walking around??
Kevin's scout troop worked the carnival at the church. He dressed up as a "stick figure". Sorry for the blurriness of the exposure (I could only hold my breath for so long), but you get the idea.