Monday, March 8, 2010

It Never Rains in Sunny Southern California..

...but when it rains, man it pours.
We have had some wild, rainy weather this winter. Noooo, it's not an El Nino, they say, but who are they kidding? Lots of weeks with 1-2 storms a week, and several rained out weekends.

Makes for some great weather pictures, and the flowers sure love the rain too.

Some other things that have happened the last few months include a Pinewood Derby, a day hike while on the lookout for cougars, a day brushing up on Camporee skills, cleaning up a park, strep throat, cooking practice, algebra tutoring sessions, a bowling outing and a Vegas outing.

Kevin, Matthew, and I have campouts scheduled this month and next month, some concerts to attend, and family get togethers planned, so stay tuned for more pictures.

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