Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Bloomin' Flowers

Feb and March Happenings

Well you know us - busy busy busy. In February, we had our Cub Scout Pack Blue & Gold at the bowling alley. We reviewed the rules with everyone, bought lots of pizza and drinks, and turned loose on six lanes for two hours. A blast was had by all.

The Troop and siblings were invited as well.

Camporee for the Scouts is in April, so we have had a couple campouts and meetings practicing skills like knots, lashings, compass orienteering, campsite setup, and cooking. The food has been pretty good, and we are still alive, so that's a good thing.

Last weekend Ronnie and Brenda and gang came out for a visit for the weekend. They took in the sights of Disneyland and Huntington Beach, and we spent an evening playing a round of miniature golf with the kids. It has been too long since we all got to just hang out, visit, and enjoy each other.

Kevin and Austin lost their golf balls on the fourth hole, but they had a good time anyways just rolling around on the course.
Andre is getting so big - here we are hanging out with the Playstation.

The big discussion on the last night of dinner was writing on someone's face when they are dog-tired and don't even know it. Guess what happened at six am before they drove back home to AZ?

Monday, March 8, 2010

It Never Rains in Sunny Southern California..

...but when it rains, man it pours.
We have had some wild, rainy weather this winter. Noooo, it's not an El Nino, they say, but who are they kidding? Lots of weeks with 1-2 storms a week, and several rained out weekends.

Makes for some great weather pictures, and the flowers sure love the rain too.

Some other things that have happened the last few months include a Pinewood Derby, a day hike while on the lookout for cougars, a day brushing up on Camporee skills, cleaning up a park, strep throat, cooking practice, algebra tutoring sessions, a bowling outing and a Vegas outing.

Kevin, Matthew, and I have campouts scheduled this month and next month, some concerts to attend, and family get togethers planned, so stay tuned for more pictures.