Saturday, April 21, 2007

Extreme Decorating: Headdress Edition

Spent the last 48 hours with Tracy, Cindy, and Andrea decorating Tracy's debut piece for the Las Floristas Headdress Ball. She went out and not only placed, but took the Sweepstakes Award on her very first try!

No matter how much I was told what to expect, it isn't the same as actually being there and doing it. It is a float detailers dream - or nightmare, depending on if you are working with cocos and spider leaves. There isn't time to stand around very long debating on the merits of this pattern or that flower, you go- go- go- until the judging deadline. Put it on, "that looks good", what next? You don't have time to sit down and hit that wall of exhaustion that will stop you for the night.

Since I was the newbie, I got to spray and glitter every flower that went on the piece. I feel like I have a lining of clear spray paint and glitter on the inside of my nose now. This was OK, cause then I couldn't smell myself (or Cindy) at 3:30am when we went to bed. I also had a lovely purple, pink, and red glitter manicure thing going for awhile. All great fun if you are into this kind of stuff - I don't mind being the worker-bee at all - just don't ask me to ever create one of these from scratch. Here's some photos:

Tracy applying a spider mum

L-R: Cindy, Andrea, Nina, Tracy, and Lori
The back of the headdress:

Tracy and Gary:

Lori, Lisa, Tracy, Cindy:

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