Monday, June 25, 2007

Soak City

Ronnie, Brenda, Andre and Austin came out for a visit - the first group of family visiting this next three weeks. We spent RJ's last day of his unintentional time off at Soak City, soaking up lots of rays and chlorine along the way.

Ronnie, RJ, and Kevin taking a shade break. Kevin had a bit of the stomach bug, hence the grimace.
Jacob, Andre, and Austin - goofing off

Jacob still goofing off

Pretty boy Matt, also mugging for the camera

Friday, June 22, 2007

Two Down, Two to Go

Kevin was "promoted" from the sixth grade this week - two done with elementary school, two to go. In September we will be back to dealing with the paperwork, teachers, and back to school nights for three different schools again - elementary, jr. high, and high school.

(On a separate note, we got notice in the mail that Sammy passed his CAHSEE the first time he took it. Now he just has to get the GPA and the credits to actually graduate.)

While we were sitting waiting for the ceremony to begin, we figured out that in 2009 we will have three graduations to attend - Sammy from 12th; Kevin from 8th; and Jacob from 6th grade. If they are all on the same schedules, I will be in the market for a mommy clone that June.

Some pictures:

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Happy Birthday Jacob!

Jacob turned the big 1-0 today. Here he shows one of his new Bionicles from grandma (she always gets the best gifts).
Doesn't everyone know that 7 + 3 = 10? And that anymore you need wire cutters to get any toys out of the box?

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Did you Know...?

Today we went to the Buena Park Police Dept Open House before we went to visit grandma's house.

Did you know. . . that my 'innocent-looking' 7 year old picked up a dummy revolver and pointed it at one of those nice policemen?? (They then asked who he was with)

Did you know. . . that Buena Park Police has an equestrian unit?? (Neither did I)

Did you know. . . that pumping on someone's stomach in the back of an ambulance doesn't make their heart work?? (But it does make that person giggle)

Did you know. . . that the Workman-Temple Historic Homestead has this really cool koi pond?? And that I have probably driven by there 1000 times and never stopped until today?? (And I bet you haven't either)

Did you know. . . that I am STILL highly allergic to mold??

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Thurs June 7

OK, I guess it's been long enough without an update, so here comes a really long rambl-y one. Last week I took the boys to DL to preview the new Finding Nemo sub ride - a way for the cast to work out all the kinks on us guinea pigs. The boys liked it, and there is a good mix of old coral reef nostalgia and new Nemo characters to keep everyone happy.

Am winding the school year down, and making plans for the kids for the summer - i.e. how can they keep busy enough to not destroy the house and whine at me each night to "do something".

Kevin is the BMOC this year, he gets 'promoted' out of sixth grade on June 21, so he is totally counting the days until school is out. I don't think I've seen him do homework since June 1. Jacob still has homework, but it's more sporadic. His teacher, Ms Abel, passed away over Memorial Day weekend, so having a sub now might have something to do with it. I could tell he really liked his teacher, but would never come out and say it unless you prodded him about it. I think Matt still has homework packets, but who knows.

I'm burned out as homework-nazi for this school year to care about even asking if they have homework. Too busy lighting a fire under Sam to get his friggin D's up to a more respectable grade. He has had an English essay, a WWII project, and now a family tree project to do in this last week, and next week starts finals. (All much harder than the alligator report)

We went to the Tiger Woods Learning Center last week for their open house, and Kevin and Sam signed up for the sessions in July. Sam will be going to summer school, hopefully to jump up a class in Algebra, and Kevin will also probably take a band class at the jr. high to get a head start on learning percussion. I have tickets to go to the DCI finals in August, but need to get some for the show at MSAC for Kevin to see some real percussion pros. Jacob & Matt will be switching off and on with day care, where they will get their fill of field trips each week. Of course, swim lessons will be worked in somewhere, along with a few movies and band camp.

Two different groups of family are coming out the last week of June, the first week of July, and the boys are looking forward to playing with their cousins, aunt, uncle, brother, and nephews, as well as a new uncle-in-law. We also have a birthday for RJ, Jessie, grandma, and Jacob ("can we go horseback riding with Aunt Karen?") over the summer, and another big event - RJ goes back to work!

Mom continues chemo with round two tomorrow, and I will see how far I get with my new book. Went shopping tonite for the boys clothes to wear to the wedding; still have shoes, hair appts, shower, wedding, and birthday gifts to get. Honey, how's that re-fi on the house going??

Some more pics below from last weekend - DL and when the boys re-built some seriously corroded bird houses for the backyard.

Jacob & Matt in front of the sub ride:

Dad as the modern-day lumberjack:
Kevin doing some of the serious stuff:
I told them to paint the house in whatever color they wanted, but I didn't think they would paint it half and half. (Watch out boys, the camera will steal your spirits if you look into the lens):