"Next week there can't be any crisis. My schedule is already full." - Henry Kissinger
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Happy Birthday Jacob!
Jacob turned the big 1-0 today. Here he shows one of his new Bionicles from grandma (she always gets the best gifts). Doesn't everyone know that 7 + 3 = 10? And that anymore you need wire cutters to get any toys out of the box?
My Latest Reads - for the Book Club I never got to join - courtesy of the Library of Mom
THE BOY SCOUT HANDBOOK - by BSA - How to tie knots, give first-aid, hang a sleeping bag, and a funny way to shake hands. Includes items for moms to read and say "did you do that YET?" and references to many tiny cloth patches called merit badges. I have another year before I get to start reading it all over with the next boy.
THE WEBELOS HANDBOOK - by BSA - All things activity-wise to make a young Cub Scout broaden his horizons. I have another year to finish it up.
READ? IT STINKS NOW! - by Me - Ever since turning 40-something, any my vision suddenly and drastically changed overnight, it has been most uncomfortable to read. Especially with those tiny little glasses.
PARTS PER MILLION - by Joy Horowitz - Erin Brokovitch is at it again, this time uncovering the deception behind the unusually high cancer rates among Beverly Hills High School students, faculty, and alumni. Could it be from the oil well on the school campus?
TWILIGHT (ALL OF THEM) - by Stephanie Meyer - Teenage girl meets vampire family, falls in love, discovers childhood friend is a werewolf. Three books of her being chased by other bad vampires before becoming one herself. Good? Yes. Swooning over them? No.
THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES - by Sue Monk Kidd - Young girl, a gun, a trio of Southern black women, a black Virgin Mary, and beekeeping. Good story, highly recommend.
THE GLASS LAKE - by Maeve Binchy - Another tale by this Irish author about growing up in Ireland. Honestly, all her books are pretty similar, but very easy to read. Great beach book, especially since the price was right.
RISE AND SHINE - by Anna Quindlen - Famous morning show host speaks her mind, and gets the opportunity to fall out of society. Her little sister, her total opposite, gets to step up to the plate.
TRADING UP - by Candace Bushnell - Is she a model, a hooker, or a screenwriter? A lady's journey to high society.
THE APPEAL - by John Grisham - Big corporation ruins water supply of small Southern town, loses lawsuit for millions in the first half of the book. I won't spoil the ending by saying who won the appeal.
HOLD ON, MR. PRESIDENT - by Sam Donaldson - Anchorman's view on his career with ABC on the White House press corp. beat. Lots of insight on campaigns and presidencys of Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan.
ANGRY HOUSEWIVES EATING BON BONS - by Lorna Landvik - Now this is my kind of book! The AHEBB group forms a book club and through the years read many books while raising children and growing older together. Gotta find me one of these groups.
Some Cool Quotes
"Be happy while you're living, for you're a long time dead." - Scottish proverb
"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy and Jill a rich widow." - Evan Esar
"I stopped believing in Santa Claus when my mother took me to see him in a department store, and he asked for my autograph." - Shirley Temple
"The obscure we see eventually. The completely apparent takes a little longer." - Edward R. Murrow
"May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house." - George Carlin
"If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans." - Woody Allen
"Next week there can't be any crisis. My schedule is already full." - Henry Kissinger
"You can lead a boy to college, but you cannot make him think." - Elbert Hubbard
"If you're going through Hell, keep going." - Winston Churchill
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