Kevin's stuff is all with Boy Scouts, and it is way uncool to have mom anywhere around except when needed for me to drop off or pick him up. He had a car wash last week, and BSA Camporee this weekend, but I have no photos since again, it would be uncool.
Here Matt and his friend Cameron show their pinewood creations at the Cub Scout Space Derby. Mom got to do a lot of sanding, direction-reading, painting flames, and leading Matt in a round of "lets find that little grommet that dropped on the floor".
He also had a 2nd-3rd grade concert at school that nicely got me out of a band board meeting.
Sam participated in the school's talent show this year, his talent being solving the Rubiks Cube. The theme was Star Wars, so he really wanted this Jedi robe to wear. He found directions on the internet (today's version of McCalls or Butterick) and I tried my hand at the first thing I've ever sewn since my 7th grade home ec. project... This is just another way that I am becoming my mother, but I would much rather paint a pig. (Note to kids: your grandmother could sew up a storm, but when she tried to paint a plaster pig one time, it was really bad. So we let her sew, and we stuck to painting). JACOB SINGS AGAIN...
The school district once again had an upper grade concert at Knott's Berry Farm. Jacob thought if he didn't tell me about it, or conveniently left his papers at school, that I wouldn't know about it. If I didn't know about it, then I wouldn't take him, and then he wouldn't have to sing. He hasn't quite figured out that mom knows a lot more than she lets on. This concert also conveniently got me out of a parent meeting, but unconveniently didn't let me work with Tracy on headdress that same night.
He is also working on a school project on Washington State. Aunt Karen nicely sent him some items she picked up from her new home state. Jacob wanted to know how she got that ash from Mt. St. Helens into the little plastic container.
Tracy once again had an entry in the Headdress Ball, which this year was more geared toward the dress instead of the headpiece. The theme was movie magic, and her entry was "Moulin Rouge". The corset got lots of rave reviews around the room.
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