We had a great time, but there was one team that beat us the three times we played them during the season. The type of team that is ahead by 20 runs, and won't slow down cause they must prove their dominance by winning by at least 25 runs. As it turned out, we played them on the last night for the championship title, second game of a double-header for us, and we WON! Totally sweet victory, and 'nuff said about that ~

Matt is going into the third grade, his last year of "lower-graders". Last night he was talking about some friends of his who went off to jr. high. What?? Has been to birthday parties this summer for a kid two years older than him, and one of a kid two years younger than him. I guess that either means he is very comfortable socializing with kids of any age, that kid, or he has figured out the birthday party scene.

Pictures of their registration are at http://www.mma-tx.org/whatsnew.htm. Lots of pictures, I haven't combed through all of them yet to find him sans hair.
Letters are welcomed and encouraged, and I'm sure he would love to hear from anyone he can. You can write him at:
Marine Military Academy
Echo Company
320 Iwo Jima Blvd
Harlingen, TX 78550
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