I guess there have been a couple things that have gone on the last few weeks. I looked up and September is OVER ! Couldn't tell you how time passed, but it is now October - eek!
The boys are settled into the school routines, back-to-school night is over, Kevin became a teenager - wait, what? Yep, we now have two of them in the family. He got some new wheels to ride to school every day.

We also got up bright and early one Sunday morning and worked the VW Panic car show that Gary put on. Quite a crowd, and quite fun. Kevin and I sold raffle tickets and t-shirts, while his friend Thomas worked the kid's coloring contest.

And then we spent another Sunday afternoon having a water play day with the Cub Scouts. We had food, games, a slip n slide, and then a giant water balloon fight. When I said "go", my three offspring decided to gang up on mom. Yeah, I can still take 'em, even to the point of wrestling them to the ground and popping a water balloon inside their shirts.

Not that they didn't get a few shots in themselves...
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