We started out the month with Matt in the Christmas play at school.. Since each kid performed in this same pageant in both 2nd and 3rd grades, and they haven't made any significant changes to the program in oh, the last 10 years or so, I figure we've seen this shin-dig going on eight times.

Kevin's troop had a Court of Honor the same week, celebrating the fact that Kevin got his Tenderfoot rank about 9 months ago. (Not a particularly timely group, are we?)

Matt's cub scout den needed to see a model of a construction site. What better place than the site of a $1.2b construction site? After checking out the new upgrades coming to DCA in the next five years, we played in the parks with
a boatload of other merry-makers.

Kevin had his Christmas concert at his school last night. Wait, I mean "holiday" concert...it is politically incorrect to call it anything but that.

I wanted to get a good pic with my kid, he just wanted to make a silly face. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
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