Yesterday started out great, nice and overcast and perfect weather for tackling all the plants, weeds, devil-grass, vines, iceplant (and look, a kitten!) that has overtaken my yards. Drug out the whole arsenal of tools for the job: gloves, spades, full-size shovel, sunglasses.
I fully expected to run across my share of spiders, bugs, pincher bugs, rolly-pollies and the like. I was vigilant, cause I know there are black widows that inhabit the yard around me - know where they hang out, even. Seen 'em in the past, we eye each other warily, and go our separate ways.

See? pretty. Still only about 1/4 done, but hey, I can live with this for now.
So, the sun came out and started wiping me out. I came inside to take a break and chug some ice tea, sat down to check my email and play a mind-numbing game of solitaire while my back throbbed and my head felt dizzy.
Out of the corner of my eye, this THING crawled up from the back of my monitor and on to the top - right in my line of sight. This wasn't your ordinary house spider, the kind you blow away and move on with your business. NO! It was BLACK and FURRY and flippin' HUGE!! I swear to you that this was a tarantula. After picking myself up off the floor, I grabbed my camera and took a picture cause I knew NO ONE would believe me.

Had to go get all the boys to take a look and gawk and stare, while staying in the living room with my toes all curled. These guys? Yeah, no help at all...
Question now is: how many more are living in my office waiting to show up somewhere else?