June's been kinda crazy around here, especially since there were three school graduations going on in the family. Sam graduated high school, Kevin promoted from the 8th grade, and Jacob promoted from 6th grade.
Matt's third grade class celebrated the end of the school year with a giant softball-baseball-mass-of-kids against the parents game one Friday. Picture a parent hitting the ball in the air, and 20 to 30 kids dog piling over each other to get to the ball first (with another 20 or so shyly standing around). Some of those kids were pretty darn good, though - you could tell which ones were in Little League and Bobby Sox. We now officially have only one kid left in that school.

Jacob's promotion came soon enough (or not soon enough, if you ask him), and he is now officially in junior high. Little does he know what that means - kids being mean because they are trying to fit in with the other "cool" kids, acne, and dressing out for P.E. Going from being the big fish in a little sea to a little fish in a bigger sea is also something you can't quite explain - not that my moody, hormone driven 12 year old would listen to me these days. We've already pegged him to be the one that we have to watch, especially since he now has the "freedom" to ride his bike halfway across town to school on his own each day.

Kevin officially promoted to high school as well, but the school district determined there was no money to hold ceremonies for the junior high kids. Don't know how much it really costs to set chairs up in the quad, but obviously it would break the non-existent school budget. So my only picture of him at this time is at Jacob's ceremony - and I had to twist his arm to actually attend that morning.

Matt actually had a "graduation" of his own, that of finishing the Bear rank in Cub Scouts, making him an official Webelos cub scout now. We had a ceremony for all the boys - here is the group of rowdiness I had to contend with this past year. Don't let those little sly grins fool you, they are all up to something at one time or another.

We celebrated the endings and beginnings with a day/evening at the beach. The kids all spent the afternoon (the first sunny one all month) in the water, and then we had dinner and a bonfire. It was incredibly windy, and while it subsided down a couple notches at sundown, it never completely stopped. We were all windburned, sunburned, and smoky by the end of the night.
Kevin (here doing his blind person imitation) invited Thomas and Stephanie along . . .

. . . while Sammy invited his friends Kevin Stark, Ricardo, and Norma out for the day. Lots of food, fun, water, smiles, wind and sand marked the day.
Next promotion/graduation dates =
June 2011; June 2012; June 2013; June 2014; June 2015; June 2018
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