One of the first things that happened this summer was Flag Day ceremonies in June at the Elks Lodge. The boys get to each carry a flag and hold it during the ceremony that tells about the history of the flag. There's only two cub scouts in this photo, the rest of the really young boys are brand new to the Troop. Was my Kevin ever this small as a boy scout?
July also meant Kevin preparing to run a Court of Honor, and finishing up his Personal Fitness requirements.
Nana (Jessie) celebrated her 94th birthday this June as well. A big lunch was brought in and enjoyed under the trees at the Workman-Temple homestead next door to her home.
RJ celebrated Fathers Day and his birthday with a combo gift this year - a new blu-ray player. Anything that can make his movies clearer and sharper is guaranteed to be a big hit.
Kevin and his troop went to Lost Valley camp for a week at the end of June/beginning of July. There he and Thomas cranked out 3 Eagle merit badges and one additional badge, along with a bit of goofing off and having a grand ol' time. Maybe go back as a camp counselor next year to earn some car money??
One of the requirements needed for Life is to teach younger scouts a new skill. There was a First Aid merit badge weekend in July, and Kevin went along to help teach - knocking out that requirement along with some service hours.
I brought Jacob and Matt over in the evening to hang out with the troop for dinner in the 95 degree heat. Even though Jacob wants nothing to do with Scouts, he jumped in and helped with the dishes after dinner that night.
Only spent TWO DAYS at the beach this summer -- it has just been too cold! I know we are wimps to anyone north of central California, but if it's overcast half of the day, we aren't gonna sit and the beach just to shiver.
Thomas, Kevin, and Devon are here showing off their buffed bodies.
One of the last activities before school started was a car wash fundraiser for the troop. Ms Davis hates to cook, but she showed up and BBQ'd the hamburgers and hot dogs like a pro. Michael Edgar is here hamming it up with her.
With six merit badges, 7+ service hours, and teaching other scouts, Kevin is ready to go for his Life board of review in December. First has to get through the hurdles of another marching band season, but he is in a good place!
Matthew sailed through the Traveler achievement, the Map/Compass and Family Travel belt loops with our trip to Yellowstone. One more achievement for him, a couple of campouts to go, before he is ready for Boy Scouts in the spring.
Time to direct our attention back to school work and band and tournaments and the crazy-ness that goes along with all that. See everyone from BSA in December!
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