So, I see that I haven't written for awhile! Since last August, I see.. well, you know, things get happening, and they roll together, and that darn "life" thing just gets in the way. Sooo, to catch everyone back up with things, here's the Readers Digest version of Fall 2010.
Kevin celebrated his 15th birthday in September, and we all went out to the brand-new Ruby's restaurant in Anaheim. I think he would make a rather handsome busboy, don't you think?

He spent the rest of October and November the usual way - nights and weekends at band practices and football games and performances. I spent it my usual way, planning our Tournament. That got cancelled due to a one hour rain shower. (Bitter, party of one, right here)
Thanksgiving week came, along with emergency budget meetings, meetings with the school board, and a very sick husband. Three different doctors we saw that week advised the same thing...stay home, rest, you've got a bad case of the flu. We spent Thanksgiving at Cindy's house, and had a rousing game of Sequence after dinner.

However, RJ was much sicker than just the flu, and ended up hospitalized with a staph infection that had gone straight to his heart and required repair on three valves. Fortunately we ended up having the surgery done at USC with a fantastic team of surgeons and hospital staff. At one point he was on multiple medications and we were required to wear this snazzy disposable gear so we didn't catch his infection. I just realized these are the only pictures.. I think I was too numb throughout the whole thing otherwise.

One of the evenings in December, when RJ was still in the hospital, I went out to LaVerne and met up with some old friends from Overtones and PFB choirs. It was great to see Martene and Judy and watch slides and flip through photo albums. Yes, the kids were home a few more hours by themselves, but I needed that diversion in the worst way.

The end of December brought the usual round of float decorating.. This year we decorated the China Airlines float, the Pac-Man 30th anniversary float, and also worked on the 3 Little Pigs who adorned the Quikrete float. Below is my 2-day creation, a tiny little sign that is the epitome of the detail area. I was lucky to see it for 10 seconds on TV, but it was worth it (it always is).

Laura and I chummed up on most of the days, working as a team on most anything that needed to be done. Or re-done. Cause Cindy said so.
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