Friday, April 13, 2007

Oooooo - Friday the 13th - Oooooo

Well, we had two doctor appointments this week, and have not been readmitted to the hospital. Woo hoo!! Actually, I went to three appointments - an oncologist, a GP, and a cardiologist. Had to cancel the pediatric dentist appointment because of lack of time. Have not even scheduled my own doctor appointments, or the followup dental appts for the kids. Oh well. But since the rest of April includes at least two more doctor appointments, a followup surgery for mom, three blood tests, a Headdress Ball, a BBQ, a Weblos campout, and four different band activities, I'm thinking there's always May! But that month's calendar is looking rather filled as well.

Earlier today I finally made it to the day spa - got the knot rubbed out of my shoulder and neck that had been plaguing me since the middle of March - aaaaahhhhh, worth every penny. Tonite we went to see "Disturbia" at the movie theater... billed as a suspense movie along the lines of Rear Window. Esther and Cliff met us there (their pick) and we jumped a few times throughout. The whole theater was packed with high school kids, I think there were only a dozen folks there that were old enough to be parents.

Tomorrow Ronnie is flying in to come visit for the weekend. I don't know who is more excited, the big boy or the four little boys. The plan is to hang out and see if we can gross him out with looking at the zipper.

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