Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Tuesday 4/10

Hi ho, hi ho, it's back to work I go.. actually, leaving one work for the other "work", which in some cases is easier than the work at home. But this is not news to any of the working moms out there!

Sam and Kevin are home on easter break this week, and staying home with dad. He is practicing his supervisory skills on them, directing them in the fine art of lawn-mowing, edging, trimming, sweeping, vacumming, making lunches, and picking up their room. I can handle the dishes that are only half clean, but I still won't let them near the washer and dryer. The other two boys are going to daycare for the week, as four boys at home is taxing for even the healthiest parent's sanity.

RJ was home for the a/c cleanup and inspection, and today got a second visit from the home nurse. She declared him healthy enough to not have to return, as his bp is back in normal ranges and heartbeat is steady. She even canceled the physical therapist that was scheduled to come out to the house to put him through his paces on the exercises they gave him, and said we could do it on our own. I guess she figured that I can now be a part-time PT on top of being a part-time pharmacist, and full-time appointment scheduler and medical paperwork inspector. You think I could sneak him into Curves with me?

Yesterday I went to mom's oncologist appt. for the diagnosis of stage three cancer and the year's worth of upcoming treatments for that. Went in to work a couple hours late, and spent the afternoon digging through stuff that accumulated on my desk the last 2 1/2 weeks. Today and tomorrow I am in a project management class - nothing there of great suprise to a working mom, everything just has a corporate name to it.

Later this week we have two doctor appointments, a kids dentist appointment, and a postponed massage (woo hoo!!) to look forward to.

PS - Happy Birthday to Brenda and Tracy ~

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